Going Deeper 6

Chiseling Lessons

“Write yesterday’s worries in the sand.
Chisel today’s victories in stone.”

We talked about considering God’s track record. If you don’t have a journal where you write about this regularly, this would be a good time to start.

But if journaling is not a habit you think you can carry on, then just take time right now to do some chiseling.

Think about these four areas. Let your thoughts turn back into prayers.

Blessings ~ people, places, things that make your life sweet

Victories ~ times when you’ve witnessed the Spirit equip you to overcome temptation

Valleys ~ moments in life when the Shepherd never left your side in the darkness

Higher Ground ~ the “light” at the end of the valley tunnel when you were able to look back and see how God brought good from your trial and devastation.

Taste and See

Psalm 34

“O taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”
(vs. 8)

Consider how many verbs are included in Psalm 34 that describe all that God has done for David / does for us today.

Start with the following sections of verses, listing every verb or phrase that represents an action or an attitude of God toward David or his people in general:

  • Verses 4-7
  • Verses 15-22
  • Examples: answered (v4); eyes are toward (v15)

Next, look at these sections, listing the phrases that indicate what OUR response should be to God and the pursuit of his character.

  • Verses 1-3
  • Verses 8-14
  • Examples: bless the Lord at all times (v1); Seek peace and pursue it (v14)

Diving into Scripture like this can totally realign your perspective.

When you are reminded of who God is, who God is to you, and how great God is at being God, it’s like donning a pair of laser-focused glasses that help you FIX your EYES on him.

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